Sarchasm :' The gulf between the author of sarcastic wit and the person who doesn't get it. ' it!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Sunshine, scooters and thistle fairies............

What a beautiful day...............after a difficult start lol.  Yesterday we woke up seemingly in the throes of hell, the squids had woken up at a hideous 5am and it was too cold and too bleeping early to get up dammit (read NOT a morning person here....and believe me I HAVE tried), but there was a war raging which would have made the neighbours cringe (they have since politely 'pretended' not to have heard them as I have sheepishly apologised) and not even the UN could draw up a treaty.   I am surprised by the utter nastiness and almost blood thristy violence that goes on at times between siblings, though I am fightened to ask my brothers for support to this statement ......just incase their memory is *ahem* somewhat different from was a hard day from start to finish.  I then had a difficult Nightduty to contend with at the nursing home with a nurse who just between you me and the fence post is OFF THE PLANET.  I came home expecting the ghoulish screams of sibling hatred to pierce my ears as I walked through the front door, only to find them happily playing 'checks' (chequers) it seems the treaty has been temporarily reached. to a better start, I fell into a deep sleep lulled by the sounds of household harmony, to wake and find it hadn't been a dream kids were actually lovely today......

To celebrate, we all pulled on our sneakers to bask in the winter sunshine and go for a walk together...

kick kick swooosh....our kids flying past on their scooters with huge smiles on thier faces said it all, this should be done more often.  The scooters have been a great form of free entertainment for the King and I aswell, as they are so damned FUNNY when they try to do tricks and concentrate to go fast.....

and then I found a thistle fairy on the way home, stopped to pick it and make a wish....

Thanks Mother Universe ;)

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