Sarchasm :' The gulf between the author of sarcastic wit and the person who doesn't get it. ' it!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

and the answer to the million dollar question is.....

exactly 9 minutes! As long as it took to charge my little 'spidey's' remote controlled helicopter and for him to get impatient while Daddy was nipping out to get some ice for the afternoon festivities......and to NOT LISTEN (see recurring theme) to Mummy about waiting for a minute until Daddy aka 'HE WHO KNOWS HOW TO DO THIS STUFF' will be home.

Did you know that remote contolled helicopters and ceiling fans dont mix? Or that they make an earthshaking sound kind of like what I picture Christmas in Beirut to sound?

OMG! I was bending over sweeping up the *ahem* dust bunnies from moving the couch to accomodate guests, when Spidey asked if he could try it yet...'No honey Daddy will be back in a minute'....then CRACK

Wasnt sure if it was my heart or an earthquake or we'd been bombed or or....

Hearing came back right around the second I noticed Spidey running around desperately picking up all the pieces, 'for Daddy to fix'. Me yelling, 'I told you to wait', wasn't what Spidey wanted to hear, he ran off to his room, I calmed myself down and tried to remember that this was all Santa's fault, nothing to do with my hard earned at all......

Spidey said, 'Santa will just bring me another one' 'but Santa only comes once a year honey, why didn't you listen to me?' .......
but the momentary teensy amount of satisfaction of being 'right' my lower self felt was quickly replaced by an awful gut wrenching sinking 'THIS DOESNT HAPPEN IN THE CHRISTMAS MOVIES' moment when Spidey registered for the first time what he had actually done......and the sobs were break your mumma's heart. A tough lesson learn't, and the guilt of not being sure if this is Spideys or Santa's lesson still haunts me.....

He pulled himself together pretty quickly though folks, and wiped his salty tears off his sweet little face to announce with glee, "the 'wemoter' still works Mum!' and run off to play with his sis!

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