Sarchasm :' The gulf between the author of sarcastic wit and the person who doesn't get it. ' it!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Gratitude smiles in my sleep.....

Now, did I mention that I am happy my boy is well again? No? Well let it be said, I am, no seriously. It was awful. A whole day of spiking temps and 'splurking'...I'll leave the rest to your imagination.

A sick little boy who lay quietly on the couch all day rellishing in Mummy's cuddles.....I will be selfish enough to admit that I LIKED that part......and when he crawled in to bed at 3 this morning for more Mumma love, I secretly smiled in my sleep thinking how lucky I am to have such a lovely family, full of SMUG gratitude.

THEN the sleep kicking started, and the sleep talking ( where I will mention he manages to out backchat his sister!) but that I managed to doze through.

It was the bouncing out of bed all perky and feeling better at 5AM! that wiped those smug smiles from my sleep deprived face. And I need my beauty sleep!

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