Sarchasm :' The gulf between the author of sarcastic wit and the person who doesn't get it. ' it!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

It's the little things that count.

After a week of cyclonic stormy rainy weather, and being jammed pack into our small house( ...ever decreasing in size or so it seems)we are all at our wits end.  And before I tell you the story of what we did to amuse ourselves today I will admit it all started with my BRILLIANT idea to turn the TV off, as I was sick of watching the kids eyes stuck to the screen of trashy ABC kids spy shows. 

I forgot a back up plan though...and  yes it degenerated into a tatrums and tears, at least some of which were mine.  I got most upset when the kids wouldn't cooperate in a game of Simple Simon outside under the verandah, a game of thinly veiled exercise to wear them out.  THERE, I've said it, I GOT UPSET.  I ranted and raved.  I got frustrated at the weather.  I did the dishes in my crankiness, secretly enjoying the way I could SPLONK another plate or cup itno the water with each mini mood swing.  BUT there was no end in sight, no rainbow at the end of the storm to look forward to.  Forecast at El Rancho Ryan, more rain and squally storms at least until after the weekend.  CRAP.  No chance to hang up the referee's whistle just yet.

Then it hit me like, *ahem* pardon the pun, a lightning bolt over my second lukewarm coffee.  We live in the tropics.  It is hardly cold.  We run with gay, (post embarresing) abandon in the first big storm, despite living next to apparently extremely mature neighbours.  So, why not work with it?

We saddled up the Old Lady, and grabbed a bottle of water, donned our workboots ( thongs) and took off for the local park while it had subsided to spitting.  We played games walking around the lake, counting the ducks, sticking out tongues out to catch the rain, challenging each other to try walking backwards, sideways, hopping, and then the clouds really rolled over and the sky split open in earnest.  Oh well, it was beautiful, refreshing and hilarious watching the kids roll (or rather slide) down the grassy hills. 

We all laughed out loud trying the different play equipment.....with surprisingly few injuries....

.......then we stopped at the bakery on the way home to cheat and get treats for lunch.

Parked the car, opened the door, kids piled out.  And as if they had just reentered the vortex of bitchiness, they started at it again.     *SIGH*  

So, I will hold on to my fleeting memory of the raindrops on my tongue and sticky wet hands in mine....and ignore the rest.



  1. LOL, you cracked us up. Love it. Love the idea of getting out in the rain having an adventure and doing fun and silly things, and then we read your return to the vortex, lol.

    Littleramblings from SS

  2. Oh Yeah, the vortex is always waiting to suck us in lol. It was lovely to get out int he rain and be childish, got a few funny looks walking backwards with my arms flapping and tongue sticking out tryint to catch the drops lol.....was very 'refreshing' too ;)
