Sarchasm :' The gulf between the author of sarcastic wit and the person who doesn't get it. ' it!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Symphony of Frogs....

I love the rain, the mellow sounds, the fresh smell of rain coming, the distant rumble of thunder (not too close though or it will wake the kids up, upset old lady and frazzle kitty, and loud enough might even mean more washing....)

One of my night duty 'side effects' is that I find many a sleepless night when the rest of the house is blissfully asleep, but rather than see it as a curse, I have come to really appreciate the wee hours, as I have always been a 'night owl'.  It is only in the last few years of desperately trying to retrain myself  to match the 'school mums' that I have come undone, so it is settled, I remain a night owl.  Tonight I am sharing the inky blackness with silver droplets of rain, and a party of raucous frogs singing away.  I, blaming my crappy technology, will sadly admit to defeat in trying to capture the diamante drops as they fall from my verandah, my haven in the dark.  I did however spend several minutes absorbed in the blisfully childlike pursuit of my green pals.  I found them sitting on our table having a picnic, the bar, and even caught one next to the stereo.....wonder what tune he would have played.....

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