Sarchasm :' The gulf between the author of sarcastic wit and the person who doesn't get it. ' it!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

We're having YOU CANT KILL IT VEGE SOUP for dinner. Hmmmmmm as with most households with younguns plans change, and usually very quickly.  SO you get used to thinking on your feet. 

Well, it has been raining cats and dogs or more appropriately for  the Territory, FROGS, so our quick jaunt to the stupidmarket was postponed until well, until it was too late.  *SIGH* so much for my surprise for the King, but it wasn't about the bread anyway.....was it?  lol

Not wanting to spend too much and noticing my kids haven't been so keen to munch through a Monkey's share of fruit lately, and with inspiration from Huey this afternoon, we decided to make a vege soup for dinner.

After a 4.35am rise from bed and sneaked watching of cartoons until the rest of the house woke, Miss 8 has fallen asleep in her room after what felt like the 85th timeout for the day, again for hacking on her (admittedly somewhat annoying little turd at times) brother yet again.  SOooo faced with what to do with the boy after his Troy Bolton efforts at basketball got rained out yet again for the day I decided to enlist in his help for making the soup.  I chopped the veges; onions, garlic, carrots, spinach; and he stirred them in the pot until they were ready to add water.  He loved 'handpicking' the frozen peas and corn to add and poured in the lentils, red and brown.  Then he enjoyed, Ratatouille style, sprinkling different herbs and spices.  I gave him free reign ( except for the vanilla lol) as I figured you cant kill a good vege soup.  Turns out it is pretty nice, who knew tomato sauce and tumeric went well with italian herbs and cracked gourmet pepper?  Along with a Massel vege stock cube it is really yummy.  He now wants to add his 'piece de resistance' some spaghetti strands.  But ONLY 3, it is ( lol) apparently, all about presentation ;)

He did a great job and is now soaking his chef weary body in a lavendar infused bath (method to my madness mwa ha ha ha)  .......maybe there is hope for the King and I after all!

serving his 'Yummy you cant kill it' vege soup with baked Turkish bread and olive oil.....mmmmmm!

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