Sarchasm :' The gulf between the author of sarcastic wit and the person who doesn't get it. ' it!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

The King and I.....

Today we mark our 12 year anniversary.   A long windy road led us up this path, through fields of dandelions, over mountain passes, through dark and sometimes scary forrests and occaisionally left us up the creek with out a paddle.  But we have learned to move with the current, instead of making waves.  We both pay attention these days to the small ripples, and try to let them pass to enjoy the moment.  

I remember the day I met him, he took my breath away, and I refused to look at him so he wouldn't be able to see my yearning, having fallen prey to his charms.....and despite our tough times, I want to be boring my kids and anyone who'll listen, with our story for many years to come. 

I love him.  There, I've said it, out loud. I was bought up a feminist, but one thing my Mother and all of my hairy legged Aunties ( god love =em) forgot to mention, is that its OKAY to give in to love, to yield OCCAISIONALLY.  I have come up with this wisdom all on my own, though I must admit, it doesn't come naturally.  I am WOMAN hear me ROAR!  But also let me snuggle......

All of this and the King discovered 'wifeaway' techniques and has perfected them over the years.  For his own safety he learned never to actually SAY, 'Yes dear'.

Long Live the King xx


  1. Shucks Jade, though I cant take all the credit...can I? ...NO of course not. It helps that the King is an incredibly patient man *wink*

    I will say that it has come terribly fast, and I have learnt so much in these last years, glad we kept looking up at the path every now and then to remember that our life together is a journey.

    Thanks for your thoughts x
