Sarchasm :' The gulf between the author of sarcastic wit and the person who doesn't get it. ' it!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

OMG...its happening at warp speed!

We had a lovely New Years Day brunch at the park with my beautiful cuzzy and her family of 'wrangers', it was a 'happysad' morning, full of laughter and great conversation, happy kids and of course the requisite clouds of midgies.......but nothing a bucket load of DEET didn't fix. 

Post night duty, I felt very reflective and enjoyed watching the dynamics of our family group, and this filled my heart with joy, a corny saying I realise, however I cant think of a better way to express how I am feeling lately.   I have finally crawled out of the hole I had started to sink in over the last few find sunlight and love, and not emptiness and pain as I had been so very afraid of.  

Saying Good-Bye in the carpark was fleeting, as I will see them all again before I go, but was shackled with an underlying heaviness of finality.    It is my Mum's last morning in Darwin, she flies out to Coffs Harbour tonight, and though we are all close, it has been many years since our families have all lived so close together.

It is ironic that the very move which is offering my family a new fortune, is also responsible for breaking what I hold most dear to me here.  I have loved living so close to my cuzzy and her family, yet we have only relatively recently been able to catch up as often as I would have liked.

I am constantly being reminded of how lucky, or if not luck, how 'blessed' I am to have such wonderful family and friends in my life and despite being just a TAD over gen Y age, also grateful for this age of technology, where it is so easy to stay in touch.

We fly out in exactly 21 enough of the sentimental jibber from me, it is time for some serious whip crackin'.   No time for second guessing or playing 'what if's'!   

Will add some photos of our lovely morning soon  x

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